Sunday, January 30, 2005

Numerology and Ish

Check me out.
My Numerology using my birthdate, public and birth names, as well as nickname.

Tarot Card
(Equivalent of "3/1/1975")

The Chariot: Victory through might. Advancement through bold action. Change through force. Order established through vigilance. A trying situation mastered by balancing opposing forces against each other. Discipline, individual effort and endurance will turn the tide.

Sounds about right. Nothing happens if you don't make it happen.

(Equivalent of "Rebecca Eileen last name edited for potential internet stalkers")

Algiz can be easily recognized as the antlers of the elk that it represents. The elk can represent victory, but is much more appropriately associated with the thrill of the hunt itself. This rune therefore can portend vigor and success in active endeavors. Also, this rune seems symbolic of a hand with outstretched fingers - a protective hand. This hand may suggest that you will be shielded from things negative - the problems still exist, you are spared the brunt of their force.

I believe this is also true. Like everyone else, I've had some significant hardships throughout my life, but I have always felt somewhat cosmically protected. Cool.

Public Role
(Equivalents of "Rebecca ****")
Words that embody your presence are "Blues, Dragon, Finger, Island, Joker, Rook, Scream, Shackle, Slave, Tiger".

Words that embody the people or things that you interact with are "Ancestor, Grotto, Halloween, Martyr, Mustang, Neptune, Unholy, Virtue".

Words that embody things that you may be a part of are "Constellation". - A-ha... Astrology!

Words that embody people or things in your periphery are "Civilization, Entertainment, Illumination".

Private Persona
(Equivalents of "Becky")
Words that embody your presence are "Body, Chaos, Girl, Guide, Hacker, Hero, Madman, Shame".

Words that embody the people or things that you interact with are "Ambush, Bosom, Chosen, Flute, Focus, Grass, Mercy, Movie, Poor, Prey".

Words that embody people or things in your periphery are "Anonymity, Exhaustion, Numerology, Psychology, Satisfaction, Sensuality". - Yes, yes and yes. All of the above.

Alright, now this stuff is just getting scary. How can the number of letters in my name and birthdate tell so much? Astrology is a concept I understand. All the planets are in a certain place when you're born and if the chart is truly studied, undeniable connections can be made with one's personality and ways of thinking. But this process of numerology appears random, yet my nickname analysis seems pretty accurate. May be worth checking into further!

Now check yourself out below. Let me know what you find. By leaving a comment. On the blog. Not an email (although I always appreciate communication from friends). Stop being a lurker and participate in my blog. Yes, I am talking to you. We're all friends here, don't be afraid!

Friday, January 21, 2005

The Final Day

Today is my last day at my current job. See the big smile?

I started only 6 months ago, and to be honest, I wanted to quit within the first two days.

I've never worked in the consumer packaging industry, any type of production environment, and never with anything associated with fast food. I was definitely out of my element.

As my stress grew and the frustration mounted, my co-workers rallied. Those in my building commiserated with the workload and lack of cooperation from a key member. "Ryno" from The Jinxx'd dubbed the thorn in my side "Lapdance". It was the best laugh at work I'd had all week. The visual is very disturbing.

The fun group of professionals down the coast in Richmond always made me feel that everything was under control and would be handled. Everyone should have someone like that where they work, and I had a whole group! I was very lucky to be on their team.

I hope the people who received this link to my blog will stay in touch and let me know how they're doing. You will truly be missed!

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

For the Strong Women in My Life

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape...
but a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything...
but a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of her fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the best of her...
but a woman of strength gives the best of her to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future...
but a woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be God's blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman walks sure footedly...
but a woman of strength knows God will catch her when she falls.

A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face...
but a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey...
but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

-Author unknown

I'm very lucky to have such strong, motivated and beautiful women in my life. Keep being you, and whatever that evolves into. You're loved!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

It's hard not to smile while getting public rubdown

It's sleeting here in Bow, at the place that makes the stuff no one notices or cares about - consumer packaging. It's an exciting and glamourous job. There's free coffee, a stoner admin asssistant who prides himself on doing a half assed job, stimulating conversations about what caliper paperboard comes from what mill and for God's sake can I please get one million cartons to Manassas, VA by Friday? Yeah.

I ventured out at lunch (which was actually 2 pm and I ate lunch at 10 am) to try to relieve some cabin fever. I ended up at the Steeplegate Mall in Concord, where I happily spent a few dollars from Christmas gift cards.

It wasn't until I stepped out of the store that I experienced the (so far) highlight of my day.

A coin operated Shiatsu massage chair. Oh yes. A row of black leatherette chairs lined the mall wall. I said, "Ooh. What's this about?" It's very possible I said this out loud, in case you were wondering. I stepped up and read the directions. "$1 for 3 minutes, $5 for 15 minutes...sit back and relax."

That's all I needed. I plunked down and grabbed my wallet and in moments I was in Shiatsu heaven. It started gently and slow, like an unsure lover. Soon, the knobs beneath the leather-like cloth came together in the center of my lower back and pressed hard against my muscles, like it knew I wanted that. I sat up a bit. It felt good, almost too good to experience in the mall in front of the GP. At that moment, I wished I had someone with me to share the experience and to help explain to passersby why I was seemingly smiling at nothing.

I wanted to close my eyes and really get into the sensation, but I was alone and didn't want to risk any possibility of having my purse grabbed or God forbid, my new grey pants and fuchsia sweater. I realize now that I was in Concord, not Brooklyn, but one can never feel too safe and secure!

Just as I started to predict which direction the skilled knobs were headed next, the chair stopped. My three minutes of work relief and Becky time were up. But not for long, because I will return! Next time I will go for 15 minutes and I'll wear a t-shirt to allow for more penetration. Hopefully I'll be able to keep just the smile and not start moaning, "deeper, deeper..." in front of the other mall patrons.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Just what is a blog?

I'm finding out that not everyone knows what a blog is. I'm getting that quizzical look from a few. Here's an overview taken from

Origin of the word Blog
If a diary on the website is a log entry on a website, then it is a web log. This was shortened to weblog, which soon became blog.

There's also the verb, as in "he was blogging all morning."

How do I pronounce blog?
Blog rhymes with "dog" or "blob". It's one word. It's not pronounced "bee-log."

What is the blog community?
A subculture has sprung up around blogging. Groups of people maintain blogs and cite each other in their blogs. They even visit each other.

Why is there all this talk about blogs?
Blogs have been around since 1999 (four years now) but up to now, they have been a subculture.
In February 2003, Google bought Pyra, which makes, and that created attention because whatever Google does is significant.
Blogs finally passed the tipping point from subculture into the mainstream.

Why are blogs important in journalism?
Using blogs, ideas are brought up on blogs, discussed further by others on their blogs, and distributed to yet more blogs. This is somewhat like a publicly-available email discussion. Blogs makes it possible to carry out a conversation in public, with hundreds of thousands of readers.

This is no small thing. A few blogs have led the media on several items:

University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Reynolds (at and Washington DC columnist Joshua Marshall's Talking Points Memo, (an insider's newsletter on politics in Washington DC at were among the first to notice Trent Lott's racist comments during Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday bash. They used their highly-visible blogs to spread the news. US Senate Majority Leader Lott was forced to resign.

During the preparations for the US invasion of Iraq, Salam Pax, an Iraqi teenager, maintained a blog. He reported remarkable details about daily life in Baghdad. His blog was read by hundreds of thousands of people and distributed further by email to many more. It was carefully read by military intelligence services. See

Dan Gillmor, a business journalist for the San Jose Mercury News, covers conferences and high tech issues around the world, which he updates at his blog

These blogs are also the top blogs. They are averaging about one to two million readers per month. This is larger than most magazines, and easily in the range of the top twenty US newspapers. The top blogs are a major established form of news media.

And there you have it.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

A Long Walk

Every so often I take this Tibetan "quiz" I received about 3 years ago in an email from a co-worker. I don't try to remember my answers from the last time I took it, I just answer instinctually. My answers are always a little different and seem to match pretty closely to what's happening at the time.

In another "bored at work forwarded email" I received, one question asks you to just name a song off the top of your head. Each time I take the quiz, I think of Jill Scott's A Long Walk. Supposedly, the song you think of is the theme for your life. The vibe of this song definitely fits and the lyrics make me think about being with that one special person with whom you can discuss anything... deep, philosophical, silly, naughty... all the while taking a leisurely stroll through a city park, stopping every once in a while for a kiss or embrace. This is pure bliss to me.

What was the first song that came to your head?

Billy says this is because there is no pimping allowed at the aquarium.

We didn't see any penguin action (penguin porn? do we pay extra for that?) this trip, but there was one very lethargic sea turtle who appeared to have had a long night in the giant ocean tank. We speculated on which of the other turtles was the lucky gal. Certainly not the 65 year old Myrtle!

Another 4-5" of snow has fallen on my car and on my balcony. I would rather have snow than bitter arctic cold temps, so I'll keep the complaining to a minimum. Besides, it gives me an excuse to stay home and paint my nails.