Friday, September 02, 2005

So I'm dating this law student. I'd been blowing his emails off for about a year. He emailed me even before I met Dr. Micropenis, again after Dr. Micro scurried out of my bed complaining of a stomachache, and while I was dating the fisherman. The timing was never quite right, and I wasn't convinced I had to meet him, for lust or otherwise.

He sent me a "wink" through, and if anything, I admire tenacity and perserverance, so I replied and we got started.

He just turned 33 today (and shares the same birthday as the boy I dated 6 years ago who is now desperate to see me/talk to me), is attractive and is fairly local. He has a masters degree from MIT in materials science as well, but got bored with his job at Intel, so he decided to pursue patent law.

I got my first lesson in driving a stick on a BMW today. That was kind of cool. And I'm getting more comfortable on a motorcycle, although I still won't let him get on the highway.

He's nice. We watch movies and drink wine, we take his dog to the park, we eat Thai and sushi and look at old pictures. Am I having fun? Eh.

What IS cool is that when I go to his apartment, I can see my bud Lisa! No, they don't live together, but listen to this:

My friend Lisa and I met for lunch a few weeks ago. She had lots of news! I could tell in her voice it was a new man and I was thrilled for her. I won't divulge all the details, but let's just say that Lisa is a responsible adult. That's all I'm going to say!

She also mentioned she had her own apartment now! Even more thrilling! Did I want to meet the boy (I mean, young man) and see the new place? Absolutely!

I met the young man, saw the new place, and Lisa told me about the other tenants in her building. It sounded like a nutty building.

Two days later, I met the law student for the first time for lunch (the Thai iced tea at Siam Orchid is a MUST). I decided within about 30 minutes that we would, at some point, be having more than a few intimate moments in the future. Sometimes you just know. Sometimes a bald head just wins me over. I wasn't sure how MUCH more than that, but I was pretty certain we could have a decent time together.

He asked me about my apartment complex, if I liked it and so on. He described his place, and a little about the tenants in his building. Well, what do you know, it sounded exactly like the tenants in Lisa's building. I asked him what street he lived on and after confirming a few other details, we decided to head to his/her place and stop in for a visit.

I called Lisa and told her I just had lunch with her neighbor and was standing in his apartment. Lisa said, "What? Go outside!" We all talked for a while and Lisa didn't seem a bit surprised that I met her new neighbor on and was back in her building two days later. I guess stranger things have happened in my dating life.

So, I like him. But I get the sense he is holding back, maybe just not wanting to mess anything up, but I really need to see that someone is ALIVE and has opinions and gets annoyed sometimes.

Another thing. I miss having fun. I miss laughing at goofy stuff or silly jokes. But I guess the "fun ones" are just about having fun, and maybe the more serious ones are commitment material. I don't even know anymore.

I just want to take all the good qualities from the men I've dated/loved and make a man just for me. I thought I came close to finding that, but I was wrong.

I'm going to continue going through the motions on this one. I won't make the mistake of dating exclusively right away, so I am still open to see others. Maybe there isn't one man for me. I've loved, I've lusted, I left or they left, and I continue to date and meet new interesting men. But is there one really for me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Noooooo... ;-)