Thursday, June 30, 2005

Met Him on a Thursday - First in a Series

This is the first in a series of blog entries that tells of a prominent period of my life - which has recently resurfaced - see below post titled Obsession.

I'll be back to normal blog entries in the meantime, so if this isn't your thing, check back.

Met him on a Thursday. Cumulous clouds, 84 degrees. He was brown, deep… said he wanted to talk about my mission, listen to my past lives… word? Took me on long walks to places where butterflies rest easy. Us was nice and warm. No jacket, no umbrella, just warm. At night we would watch the stars, and he would physically give me each and every one. Love rained down on me. – Jill Scott

It was actually a Friday. It was July. I danced with random men for the fun of it and for drinks. Tina was always close by, but we didn’t smother one another. Men feel intimidated by flocks of women, so we always appeared separate, although either one was ready to swoop in at the sign of any trouble… like an unfortunate stinky dance partner.

He smelled bad. Like worked all day and didn’t want to go home to his girl, so stayed out and borrowed some clothes from a homeboy and went to the club without showering bad. The night was fairly young, as I recall, and it was always good to be seen dancing a lot so other men wouldn’t feel so intimidated to ask for a dance. So I danced a fast song with Stinky. He didn’t dance well, and Tina was giving me the eye over his shoulder like, “Beck! What are you doing? Damn he stinks! Woo!”

I told Stinky I was going to the ladies room. I turned to walk away and out jumped a man dressed all in white. When I say jumped, I mean jumped. He was in my face in a flash, blocking the path to the ladies room. He started dancing. I asked, “Are we dancing?” surprised at the ballsy move. He nodded and pierced me with some amazing light brown eyes.

I had never seen him before. I would have known if I had ever seen him. He was extremely well groomed. His hair was tight, his skin looked soft and he moved rhythmically on the dance floor in a way that I was very comfortable with. I could dance with this man for a long time.

I looked at the corner he had jumped out from and saw his group watching us. One in particular gave him a wide-eyed look, like he couldn’t believe he was dancing with me. Looking back, I think he had been planning to dance with me, and the one I was dancing with swooped in before he could.

The handsome man all in white asked my name. I told him, and he introduced himself as Richard. Richard. I asked Richard how many children he had. No one that fine and that young and sweet could be childless. I asked him how many and not IF, because it is easier to get a man to tell the truth when it’s asked like that. Sad, but true. He said he didn’t have any. I asked how his girlfriend felt about him being at the club dancing with pretty ladies. This is also an effective question. If you make it seem alright, they sometimes confess. He said he had no girlfriend.

After a few songs, he brought me to another area of the club that was always quieter. I felt very comfortable with him and somewhat protected. He called me “Blondie” at one point, and I asked him if he had forgotten my name. He nodded, embarrassed, and I told him it was okay. After a few drinks and countless dances with several men, I rarely remembered names myself.

Richard asked for my number and I didn’t give him my usual fake one. He wrote it on a dollar bill, and I told him not to spend it as I walked away to find Tina. He laughed as if it was the best joke he’d heard all day.

Tina interrogated me about the new interest. She seemed a little jealous, as she is sometimes prone. She asked his name and all the details, and tried to place if she knew him or had heard any gossip about him. I was also cautious. Rule #1 has always been: Don’t date anyone from the club.

Richard and I met up outside at the end of the night. We sat in my car for a bit. Thinking of Tina, I asked his last name. He told me to guess. I asked what the first letter was. I heard his accent, and I wasn’t sure where he was from. I suspected Haiti, so I decided I would guess with French surnames. He said “M”. I said, “Marcoux?” His eyes got very wide and he said, “close”. I was indeed close. It was probably about that time he decided I was a witch.

Well that was quick...

No more Spiros, the Greek (pronounced Speer-os). It's ok, though... I knew I was in slightly over my head when he described his, uh, tastes. I think I'm pretty open minded in that area... but Spiros is on a whole other level. At first I thought it was because he is not from the U.S. and has a more, shall we say, open sexuality. I won't get into the gory details, but his "likes" were things I had never heard of. Like, "You want me to do WHAT?" type of stuff. And would I be into "blah blah"? And my answer was, "Hmm... I'm not sure" - while thinking in my head, "WTF???!!"

Spiros was fun and interesting, but overall I wasn't attracted to him (although he was very sexy) and he ate less than I do, to maintain his defined abs. That's kind of scary.

I'm not really interested in dating right now, but I guess I will. I have too many cute summer outfits not to. Tee hee!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Take the MIT Weblog Survey

Need some help with a song!

Probably not work safe

Click here to hear the song.

Hoping a passerby might know... there is a hot Boston version of Deja Vu (Uptown Baby) song which I love, but I can't find it anywhere! With all my research, I still can't find this song! It's the song playing, except there are shoutouts to Dorchester and Revere. Do you know the name of it, and if Lord Tariq and Peter Gunz also did it?

Thursday, June 23, 2005


What does it mean when someone tries to contact you after 6 years of not speaking? When someone dumped you in 1999 but spent the last few years searching for you and asking people to keep an eye on you?

How does it make sense that this person calls you at a parent's house (with whom you no longer live and who went back to her maiden name after he and I broke up) when they're away on vacation and you happen to be there to feed the dog?

Where did I disappear to? He comes to Manchester sometimes and just drives around looking for me, or my old car? Has things to explain to me? Is sorry? Needs to see me?

Of course I was curious.

But I asked if he knew how badly he hurt me. That he is the reason my phone number is non-published. That he is the reason I didn't renew my vanity plates when I bought my new car. I didn't WANT to be found. I didn't want this type of phone call.

He said he knew. And that even if I didn't want to see him, at least he knew I was okay.

I see his cousin at the gym a few times a week. He pretends not to know anything. I told him yesterday that my ex called me. He told me that my ex and I will be together, because we love each other. He said he wants me in the family. And if he sees a guy looking at me, he will tell him to stay away.

I told him that my ex never loved me. Because if he did, he wouldn't have hurt me so badly. He never loved me. If he had, I would not have spent years trying to repair my broken and cold heart. And just when I am ready to love again, he is back on the scene? No. I've moved on. I'm ready for the next stage in my life. And he has no place in it.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Kevin McBride and the Greek

“When I hit Mike Tyson he’ll think all of Ireland has hit him.”

I guess he did. Tyson announced his retirement after the fight.

Anyone know if Kevin McBride is single? Supposedly he lives down the street in Brockton, MA. He has a very sexy Irish accent and I think we should go on at least one date.

Granted I had never heard his name before last night's Tyson fight, which I didn't get to see, as I was otherwise occupied with a native Greek man who also has a sexy accent. Ladies, should you get the chance to date a Mediterranean or western European man, do so, and enjoy yourself fully.

While I love my non-American brothers, there is something special about a European. They see women totally differently and treat you as a woman - not as a "girl they hang out with". You know you are not friends, you know there is nothing casual in the conversation, you know that you are distinctly feminine as the prey, and they are the bold masculine hunter. You know you cannot date them seriously, because it is almost apparent that you are a conquest, and there are likely many other prey to be conquered in the wings.

But the experience is one to be enjoyed thoroughly. They will enjoy you and your crazy American ways, and you will feel absolutely transported to another locale as you spend time with them. Reality changes. Things slow down. But oh how quickly they progress. There is little shyness, no insecurity... all bold and amusing, and it's absolutely imperative that you stay on your toes.

I will not date the Greek man seriously, but he will be an excellent diversion for the time being. He gave me a new nickname that absolutely cracks me up. You have to imagine the Greek accent saying this, "Beckissimo", a play on the Italian word bellissimo (he speaks several languages). I questioned why it wouldn't be Beckissima, as I am feminine, but he explained that the masculine and feminine in language is to be used for adjectives, and that I am no adjective. I'm a noun. Too funny. Especially after a few martinis.

I've also decided to not share this blog with any of my future dates, so I can be free to discuss what I want, in as much detail as I want. I think it's important to be candid for blog entries - it's usually more entertaining that way.

If anyone gets the goods on Kevin McBride, don't be shy. I'm sure he's been inundated with fans by now, but a man always has to go home and be himself. I just need to know if he does that alone. ;-)

Friday, June 10, 2005

Uh-Oh. Hindsight really IS 20-20

I may have a tendency to overanalyze things. I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing, since I don’t think most people analyze things nearly enough. Or at least not enough to derive any benefit from it. I recently learned a lesson from myself (wow, self taught life lessons… cool). It wasn’t anything major, just an adjustment I needed to make that I wasn’t fully aware of. It took being on the other side of a situation that I am rarely on – the receiving end of complete infatuation.

I met someone nice, fairly attractive, divorced, originally from Texas (lived in Botswana, Africa for a while, which interests me), formerly a gymnastics coach (so he gets my neuroses with the exercise and dieting) and lives in my city. Let’s call him “Tex” for the sake of this blog entry. Others may know him as “Flan Man” or another unmentionable nickname, but we’ll stick with Tex for now. ;)

We went out a few times, had an okay time, nothing great. It was pleasant enough. I was feeling kind of “eh” about the whole thing. I can sense chemistry almost immediately, and I knew there was, and would be, none. Yet I continued to accept dates with this man.

Nothing was WRONG with Tex, initially. We even had very similar taste in music, which is unusual. Tex was nice, polite, interested in whatever I wanted to do, showered me with compliments about traits I’ve never been complimented on, gazed at me in “that way”, NEEDED to see me more often and generally was totally into me. Or in his words, “quite taken” with me. It’s a little less ambiguous than “profound and serious”, so I’ll take it. Awesome. Everything you want to hear. Unless you don’t feel the same way.

Yet I continued to accept dates. I probably needed an ego boost, maybe it was just nice to hear a compliment or maybe I was foolishly waiting for some chemistry to kick in. Tex said he was experiencing an awakening of sorts (yeah, I can pick ‘em). His senses were coming alive and he wanted to be “awake” and living, as he feels I am. So that was interesting to watch. Some self discovery went on for Tex, and I’m happy to be the catalyst of that, as he said, but I really wasn’t getting anything more than the slight ego boost.

Since I wasn’t into Tex, I had a good amount of distance from the situation. I could take him or leave him, and I was getting bored. He gave insightful observations about me, my life, my body (blush), so I stuck around.

Having this distance with no attachment enabled me to look at the situation objectively. Here was this nice guy, into me, who said he would do anything for me, wanting a long term relationship… and I wasn’t feeling him and was even avoiding eye contact with him to avoid “the gaze”. By the fourth date, I felt uncomfortable.

Not uncomfortable with possible emotional intimacy and a relationship, but VERY uncomfortable with the realization that someone else in a recent past relationship might have felt this very same way I was feeling, but continued to see me and just sort of waited for things to “click”. What a horrible feeling.

I felt more and more uncomfortable with Tex as this set in. I thought, “Wow. I was Tex”. In the previous relationship, I went overboard and declared all kinds of feelings and thoughts that were never reciprocated, except for the above “profound…” bullshit. Part of me says I made an ass out of myself, and the other part of me says, “Damn girl, you were into him, and you let him know. Now what man wouldn’t want to hear those words from you? You dropped the game and went with your heart. How is that wrong?”

Eventually I had to tell Tex I could no longer see him. There was a side issue that sped things up, but I knew I couldn’t go on seeing him knowing that someone else had felt the same indifference and take it or leave it feeling about ME. The more I felt it with Tex, the more it reminded me that someone I deeply cared for felt it for me. Yuck.

Tex tried to convince me once we stopped dating and started a relationship, things would get a lot better. HUH? He sent me a few emails afterwards asking for another chance, but he hadn’t done anything wrong. I just wasn’t that into him.

Lesson learned: Don’t lead someone on for an ego boost (although I didn’t, someone with lesser intentions could have easily) and if you know there’s no chemistry, don’t wait around for it. I hate having my time wasted, and if anything, I might have wasted some of Tex’s. I faltered at my usual “do unto others” on this one. Bad Becky.

In other news, Mic messaged me the night before he left for the Caymans. He had broken up with Ms. DoesntlLikeSexAndGetsALotOfUTIs and wanted to know if I wanted to get together with him when he returned. Before I told him NO, I asked what had happened with my plane ticket. I mean, I should have been packing for the trip when he messaged me. Mic said there would have been too many connections and the flight was more than $1,000. I still don’t get what the point was.

Realizing there would be no last minute dash for the airport with Mic, I told him I didn’t see us together again because I need someone who ENJOYS giving oral. I didn’t even mention the tiny penis issue… I do have a few shreds of compassion. He responded with, “Well I would enjoy it when someone isn’t pushing my head down”.

Ah Mic, we’re just not compatible in the bedroom, are we?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


I will be offline for the next few weeks. I am sure I will have plenty-a-story to tell when I return. Happy June!