Saturday, July 09, 2005

Pulled Over by the Police AGAIN

It may be because I leave work at 11 pm, but I have been pulled over by the police twice in the past 2 weeks. The most recent was tonight. Both for the same reason - running red lights. About a month ago, while driving home from Chen Yang Li, I got pulled over for "approaching the toll booth too fast" (just a warning since he couldn't tell me how fast I was approaching).

I am almost always honest with cops when I get pulled over. I tell them I coasted through the yellow light, or I thought I could make it, etc. I was let go last week with a warning, and again tonight with another warning. But tonight it was a little different. Dude couldn't stop smiling at me. And dude was kind of attractive, in a non-cop way. He asked me how my driving record was, and I told him, "Not so good".

He checked my license, didn't notice my car still isn't inspected (just my own laziness, nothing is wrong with my car), and told me he was giving me "the break of a lifetime". I was tempted to ask him back to my place to break my back, but I kept it under control (it's this summer heat and lack of relationship that's getting to me).

I half expected him to ask me out or if I had a boyfriend, the vibes were that strong. But instead, he smiled again and went back to his cruiser. So he's:

A. Married / Has a girlfriend
B. Gay and just liked my hair
C. Was on duty and kept his cool.

Just in case it was C., I came home and pulled up Craigslist and posted a Missed Connection. Here's my post:

Southern NH people also read Boston Craigslist, and although it's a very long shot, I'm hoping he or someone he knows will see it and tell him, email me, take me out next weekend and within 4 weeks will have me in handcuffs.

I'll keep you posted.