Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Dipping My Toe Back In

Ok, I've gone on 1.5 dates. With Gary Glancer, the dude I met at the gym last summer. He finally asked me out. We met at a restaurant after we went to our respective homes to shower and change - whereupon I bumped into 1. A girl from my chemistry class and 2. My friend Alan and his lovely fiance Kate.

Gary was waiting for me at the bar. For some reason, I wasn't as attracted to him as I was last year. We talked, ate, talked, ate. Then he brought up the subject of astrology. And leaned back to show me his YIN AND YANG BELT BUCKLE. WTF. Like, huge, lacquered belt buckle. It was almost embarrassing.

We ended up at Barnes and Noble, he with a triple shot espresso, me with a bottle of water. We perused astrology books and boy did we learn a lot about each other. So much, in fact, that I reminded him I am recuperating from an upper respiratory infection, on antibiotics, and would feel awful if he got it. Hint: Give me some distance, partner.

Gary is a successful attorney in Bedford, divorced for a year, and not one bit introspective or self examining. Kind of one of those people to whom stuff "just happens" and they cannot see their role in any of it. We've all been at that state of denial in our lives, but dude is 10 years older than me, studies Eastern philosophy and religion, so I kind of expected more.

Not wanting to dismiss him too quickly, being my first date since March and all, I agreed to meet him for dinner tonight at 7 pm. I was home by 7:30. I literally did not like this guy so much that I used the lamest excuse in the book - "I'm not feeling well" and bolted the heck out of there. "There" being the Commercial Street Fishery, which his friend owns, to whom I was introduced. By whom I was quickly dismissed. Nice.

So that went well. No more curiosity about Gary Glancer, I have all I need to know. He asked me to call him when I return from whitewater river rafting in Maine this weekend. I won't.

Aside from that, a hang up call from Billy. Mature. I know he will read this eventually, because all of my exes develop a weird obsession with me after we break up, so Billy - DELETE MY FUCKING NUMBER AND NEVER CALL ME AGAIN.

Looking forward to rafting this weekend with some very quality people. I'm sure I'll have tons of pictures from the trip, so check my myspace page in a few weeks for those. Also planning a 3-4 day trip in Philadelphia, mostly to catch some live music, R & B, soul, maybe even some hip hop. And I'll take a picture of my Philly cheese steak for y'all. That's gotta count as post Rocky stair running nutrition, right?