Saturday, October 22, 2005

I didn't win Powerball

Powerball, the interstate lottery game, was up to a $340 million jackpot. I didn't win. Why?
I think I would put the money to the best use. Certainly better than the 92 year old man who probably won who'll say he's not going to change a thing in his life. WTF.

I would change a LOT.

I have my plan mapped out from the moment I read my ticket and discover I have the winning numbers.

Step 1. Call tax accountant and attorney. Determine whether it's best for me to take the annuity or a lump sum. I really don't understand why people take the lump sum, but there has to be some tax advantage I'm not aware of.

2. Assemble immediate family to make the announcement.

3. Call my job and tell them I need an emergency personal day - no reason given.

4. Head up to NH Lottery Headquarters with my attorney and let them know it's ME!

5. Maybe go to work for a while, depending how long it takes to get my first check. Still have to pay the rent!

6. Get check. Take co-workers out for dinner as a final good-bye - open bar so I can watch some of my favorite people act silly and crazy.

7. Hand my sister and my brother-in-law a hefty check to go house shopping with. Secure 529 college savings plans for my nephews and a little extra to use as they see fit after the age of 22.

8. Hand Mom hefty check to pay off home and vehicle and some extra cash to buy all the clothes at Chico's she desires. Set up retirement fund.

9. Buy Billy a lobster boat as sexy as he is (I'm not sure if they make one THAT sexy, though). And a speedy Bass Cat.

10. Begin the travel. Alone or with whomever wishes to join. I may go alone to the Caribbean to relax, but I can think of no better time than exploring Kruger National Park on safari with Billy.

10. Spend next six months to a year traveling off and on and discovering where I'd like to establish a second home. Buy home in NH and elsewhere.

11. Develop pet project involving charity work, like establishing a safe after school hangout for teenagers.

12. Once my primary home is furnished and I'm settled into my wealth, invite EVERYONE I know over for a party.

13. Begin training for a marathon. But not the Boston marathon. Fuck those hills.

14. Buy silverware and hire naked butler AKA winter bitch to take care of my needs and filet my haddock.

15. Take odd classes like bellydancing, oil painting, mastering the art of Feng Shui, become a licensed massage therapist, learn how to cook with the 30 different types of Indian and Thai curry... and so on.

16. Speaking of classes... spend a few months at the Omega Institute taking any class that tickles my fancy while staying in a heated private cabin. None of that tent sharing hippie crap for me!

As I enter my third year or so of wealth, I'd probably get bored. Have to create a new project to keep busy. Maybe train for a triathlon or NPC figure competition. Maybe design a walking labyrinth in my backyard. Become a counselor for fairly with it women who are momentarily lost. I won't deal with women who don't have a clue, though. I just don't have the patience.

I guess I would live life as I do now, just without the distraction of work and on a much grander scale. I'd still go shopping with Mom, meet with friends for wine and catch-up time, visit with my nephews, go to the gym, eat salads, etc. But all of that may be taking place in NYC or Aruba!

I'm going to buy a ticket for this Saturday's drawing. I'm hoping all the hoopla has died down and I'll have a better chance of winning the modest sum of $15 mil. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Becky said...

haha! I don't know if I DESERVE to win, but I do have some definite plans, in somewhat chronological order.

The more detailed my plan, the more I can visualize it and hopefully the more apt the universe is to realize I should win. All I really NEED is $5,000 to pay off some debts, but $20,000 would come close to changing my life.