Sunday, March 29, 2009

Please Ask

I will be returning to Cairo within the next few weeks, to see the country through non-tourist eyes. I think I did a fairly good job of not seeing the country through American eyes while I was there, but it's something I'll still need to be aware of. Western media and government have done their best to make us fearful of Arab countries. Very simple ideals have been twisted 180 degrees to give Americans the impression that Arabs are subhuman, cruel and sadistic people, especially the men. I think there are people like that from every culture, especially our own. What makes a difference is on what we choose to focus our attention and energies. We can find the negative and dark and evil in every people and place. While I don't turn a blind eye to evil, it's not where my focus lies. Evil is everywhere, even in small town NH.

Even more important than dropping the American perspective while there is seeing the beautiful country of Egypt through Ahmed's eyes. Hanging out with his friends, dining at the restaurants he frequents, seeing so much more than the Great Pyramids, Sphinx, Ramses II tomb... When he took me to his mom's place and to a civilized private hospital, I saw how much I didn't know about Egypt. It's a developing country, yes, but there are areas which are certainly developed, even upscale.

I will continue to update this blog of my journey and new developments. I hope to share my experiences with my American friends and possibly open their eyes to Egypt in a way they wouldn't ordinarily be able to see. Let my eyes be yours. As I learn and discover, so will you. I look forward to your comments, questions and suggestions! If there's something you're curious about or always wanted to know, please ask and I will do my best to have your questions answered, from my newcomer perspective and from the native Egyptian perspective.

Just ask.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those in the know, know that there is a
whole lot more out there than what is said
on the govt run TV over here. It's funny
how people's opinions change when they travel. Only then do they see how poeple
really live abroad and beyond. Shows you how biased the media over here is.
It's good that you see through that.
Many do not and refuse to do so.

Good luck in your travels.