Sunday, January 09, 2005

A Long Walk

Every so often I take this Tibetan "quiz" I received about 3 years ago in an email from a co-worker. I don't try to remember my answers from the last time I took it, I just answer instinctually. My answers are always a little different and seem to match pretty closely to what's happening at the time.

In another "bored at work forwarded email" I received, one question asks you to just name a song off the top of your head. Each time I take the quiz, I think of Jill Scott's A Long Walk. Supposedly, the song you think of is the theme for your life. The vibe of this song definitely fits and the lyrics make me think about being with that one special person with whom you can discuss anything... deep, philosophical, silly, naughty... all the while taking a leisurely stroll through a city park, stopping every once in a while for a kiss or embrace. This is pure bliss to me.

What was the first song that came to your head?

Becky said...

Girlfriend, I'm glad to have a friend like you to listen to me and who doesn't think eating 2 pounds (okay, maybe 3) of chicken wings is weird!

I didn't know you were a Jill Scott fan! I just got her new CD for Christmas... AND she is coming to Boston in March, playing at the Orpheum theater. You in (please say yes, please say yes)?