Sunday, September 18, 2005

Masters and MBA from MIT, current law student = dumb as a rock

Lisa had a great party Friday night. I brought her a plug in grill (like a George Foreman grill but not) and law boy gave her a knife set. Lisa's co-workers were very nice and sweet, one of the girls kept trying to give me hugs, so eventually I gave in and started going to her for hugs!

Law boy acted a little odd. Lisa pulled out all kinds of divination games, and one was a yes/no/maybe type of thing. He got a "yes" on some question he asked to himself, turned to me, hugged me around my waist and said, "Oh honeyyyy, guess what?" I felt ill. If law boy thinks we're going anywhere near down that path, he has another thing coming.

We left around 3 am. I stopped in law boy's apartment to grab my things, and he announced that he had purchased a tooth brush for me. WHAT? I asked if he was implying I had bad breath. He said, "No, I just thought you'd like to keep one here". I asked what color it was, ready to turn it down on the basis of color alone. I have no reason to keep anything at his apartment. I'm just not at that level with him.

He asked what I had planned for the following day, and he seemed to assume that I would be staying over (what, just because it's 3:30 am? Unreasonable!). I told him I planned to go to Glendi and see one of my co-workers play in his band that night. He asked if it was a date. I said yes.

He then asked what the status of our relationship was. Don't you think if someone tells you they're going on a date with someone else the next day, that kind of says it all? I told him I didn't feel I know him well enough to take that next step. And I really don't. There are some things I like about him. There are other things that really just turn me off.

Law boy told me he was jealous. I said nothing. He asked if this meant he has competition. How on earth was I supposed to answer that? I just repeated that I didn't want to be exclusive at this time.

I drove home thinking about how great Lisa is and how I liked her co-workers a lot. I thought about the next day with my date and the kind of fun I knew I would have. It vaguely crossed my mind that law boy isn't too bright. I thought that it was a good thing law boy didn't ask me who I was going on a date with, because that's a whole other kettle of fish.


Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks so much for coming over to my party, and Yes she is into hugs.. :) I don't know if it was just me, but I could see something odd between the two of you that night. Maybe it was the way he was always making a point to touch you when everyone was around? It didn't look like you were that into it, but that could have just been because of the amount of people that were in the room. I don't know, its just what I saw. Anyway, I'm glad you had a pretty good time, because my room mate and I had a good time as well! Thanks again for the gift and I will talk with you soon :)


Becky said...


Becky said...

I see your point, Will, but it doesn't apply in this situation.

I have a favorite of the two, but it's too early to put all my eggs in one basket.

Law boy is dull. But he's okay if there's nothing else going on, because we have somewhat similar interests. If my favorite one flakes out, law boy is alright to have around.