Thursday, September 29, 2005

Ahhhh... now that THAT'S over...

I know a lot of you have been wondering why I've been hanging out with law boy despite my utter boredom and irritation of him. He annoyed me, made some bad moves, and is basically a tool.

Law boy was good to have around when nothing else was going on. A diversion from my pathetic job, someone to eat brie and drink wine with. Plus he looked good. That's really about it. Oh, and he cooked for me. Kind of nice.

When he asked for us to be exclusive, I said no. I never developed feelings for him and I wanted to keep all options open. He knew where I stood, so don't feel bad for him.

I'll admit I was hanging out until something better came along. Little could I forsee that that something would be someone I am very fond of and is from my recent past.

It started with a hang up call. I had a message on my answering machine that sounded like some muffled background noise, then a disconnect. I checked my caller ID... and it was my boyfriend from the winter, Billy. I'm sure most of you are acquainted with Billy even though, aside from my family, no one's really met him.

I didn't know what to think. I wanted to call him immediately, but it was almost midnight. I wondered why he hadn't left a message. I wondered what he had to say. I went to bed a little excited and somewhat hopeful.

I called him the next day. He seemed very surprised to hear from me. I told him I knew he had called the day before. He said he hadn't. Something was wrong with his cell phone battery and when he tossed it, it may have speed dialed my number. Oh. How awkward.

He said he wanted to catch up though, so we talked for the next two and a half hours. We talked about the breakup and all the important stuff, and we decided to give it another go.

So far, things have been really different. He is expressive and letting me know how he's feeling. He asked to participate in one of my events so he could understand that aspect of me better. It's what I always hoped he could be. And yet there is no awkwardness, nothing uncomfortable about being together. We have just as much fun as before, but now with a little more purpose. I'm excited to have Billy back in my life.

After a few dates (of which I kept law boy informed), we had a talk and thought that maybe we should really give it a go. I would need to let law boy go (big loss!). I wasn't sure how that would go, but law boy ended up making it easy for me.

When law boy asked me my plans for the weekend, I would tell him where I was going and what I'd be doing. He'd ask if it was a date, and I answered honestly.

Last Saturday, I planned to attend a bodybuilding show. I usually go alone because:

A. It's hard to find anyone who has any interest
B. It can be a long day even if you are really into it
C. The tickets aren't cheap

Billy asked to accompany me. I almost didn't let him, because I know how mind numbing it can be for people who aren't interested. But we went, had fun, went out for barbecue afterwards and had a nice talk.

That morning, law boy called. He asked what I had planned for the day. I said, "I told you, I'm going to the bodybuilding show". He asked what I was doing before that. I told him I was going for a run and had other errands to do. Law boy and Lisa's neighbors were having a going away party that night (they're moving to the Virgin Islands), and normally I would have gone. Law boy asked me to stop by after my date. I think law boy thought that I was seeing someone new, another thing, and that he was there first. I told him I would be out all night.

Shortly after Billy left my apartment (and he was a total gentleman, by the way), my phone rang. Two o'clock in the morning. It was law boy. He asked me how my date went. I told him it was fun. Then he asked me what I wore. Huh? What did I wear? He asked if I wore a sexy dress. I said no. I asked him how the party was going and if he had had a few drinks. I told him we would talk the next day.

When I hung up, I felt very uncomfortable about the call. He had no place whatsoever to question me, or to call at 2 A.M. to check if I'm home or doing whatever.

Prior to Billy and me talking, law boy and I had planned to go to the Scottish Highland Games that Sunday. My plan now was to drive to Concord and tell law boy that we were no more. But after that strange phone call, I was a little concerned. Would he act strange in person? Would he keep me there for hours, questioning me? I called my mom for advice.

Mom told me I didn't owe law boy a personal appearance (do you see where I get my sassiness?). Especially not after a phone call questioning my whereabouts. Who knows what would happen?

I agreed, thanked Mom for her advice, and called law boy. He was still sleeping at 11:00 A.M. I asked him about the phone call. He didn't remember anything he said (or so he says). He said he thought he'd get my machine and didn't expect me to answer. Uhh... so why call at 2 A.M.?

I told him that the person I had been dating was my ex-boyfriend from the winter, and we decided to try again. Law boy began questioning me about why we broke up in the first place, and I told him it was none of his business. He continued to ask, and I told him I didn't need my relationship psychoanalyzed, I knew who I wanted to be with. He asked if there was anything he could do to change my mind. That seemed odd. I said no.

Law boy ended with, "Well, it was fun while it lasted". I spared him my thought, which was, "No it wasn't, but thanks!".

My friend Lisa, who lives in law boy's building, was at the neighbor's going away party. She said he acted creepy that night. Maybe she'll leave a comment here and update us all!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Ewww! Did you just find about about this? I hope you would have told me if you knew sooner. Ick.

Keep your shades drawn but keep busy with your "room mate"! ;-)