Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Remembering Kevin

Our friend and former co-worker, Kevin Miner, passed away Friday, April 21, 2006. Please leave a comment with your favorite or funniest Kevin memory.

I used to enjoy his warm welcomes. When we'd see each other for the first time in a day, he'd always exclaim, "Reba!" (definitely a Neighborcare only nickname for me). He always had a heartfelt "I love you" for his wife, Ginny, when they'd end phone conversations. And he was one of the few pharmacists who, when it was extremely busy, would sit down and enter prescriptions orders side by side with us. He took the time to learn to do it and I think we techs appreciated it not only for the help, but in that he had a greater understanding of our jobs and the many frustrations that accompany it.

Kevin was a vibrant soul, a good pharmacist and friend to everyone who worked at Neighborcare. Except maybe for S.N. "What the fuck is a pharmacist assistant anyway?" Ha ha! And he is responsible for Jimmy Buffett music being BANNED inside the pharmacy - "why don't we get drunk... and screw". Some people just can't appreciate a little humor to lighten up a hectic and often stressful environment. It was funny while it lasted. At least until NPR started up in lieu of Buffett. ZzZzZzzz... Jill can attest to the snoozefest that is NPR.

I missed Kevin when he left Neighborcare. In his email me to me last Thursday, the day before his passing, he said he liked being back in retail pharmacy. We all know the money is a lot better, and he and Ginny were moving to a new townhouse last weekend. He was excited about that. We will all miss Kevin very much.
Share your favorite story or just leave a thought about remembering him. He won't soon be forgotten.


Anonymous said...

I remember Kevin grabbin' a six pack and his sleeping bag and camping in the conference room during snowy nights and when they waxed the floor in the Pharmacy.

The day we were reminiscing at the checking bench and both broke into a loud, spontaneous rendition of "Fixin' to Die Rag" by Country Joe and the Fish (from Woodstock)... "1,2,3 What're we fightin' for? Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, the next stop is Vietnam..." etc. We sang the whole 3 verses together and everyone within 50 feet was wondering what drugs we were on. He was probably the only person in the whole place who knew that song. He was a cool guy and a lot of fun...I'm just very grateful I got to see him the day before he passed.

Anonymous said...

I can think of many different things but the one thing that cracks me up everytime is when he locked himself out of the building. It was one of the evenings that he decided to stay overnight due to bad weather. Just stepping out for a smoke w/o his jacket and no socks,just shoes. Who knows how long he was actually out there but eventually a Pembroke police officer showed up. I can't imagine what the officer was thinking at that moment!!!!

Anyways, he will be missed by ALL!!

Thank you Reba. I am sure Kevin appreciates it.

Becky said...

Not a Kevin "moment", but SO funny: Brian, talking on the phone to an obnoxious nurse, "Yes, my name is Kevin. K-E-V-I-N".

I think we all about rolled out of our chairs laughing.