Thursday, August 31, 2006


It's only been 3 weeks. Yet I have shared more about myself and feel more emotionally connected with Nick than I did in almost a year in my last relationship. Sure, I am still deeply infatuated. I haven't felt this way since I was a teenager. I still got butterflies when I saw him dressed up for one of our dates last weekend. Like really nervous! Ha ha!

But it's just interesting how when you're with the right person, everything just sort of falls into place effortlessly. There's no power struggle about making "time" to see someone, there's no thinking about how to word something precisely so the other person doesn't jump on the defensive. It just flows. And it's fun. And it feels great. It's an equal exchange.

It still surprises me a little when I'm talking about something important, and I look up at Nick, and he is looking at me, listening. And he responds. And asks questions to bring more out. We've laughed a ton, we've both even cried some. I feel safe talking to Nick. I feel like I could tell him anything. It's an amazing feeling. Even if things for some reason didn't work out with him, he's taught me what a relationship CAN be. And how good it feels, and how much I deserve to be in a relationship like we've experienced.

It may all sound a little fluffy and sweet to the guys reading my blog, so rest assured that Nick is all man. No bisexual stuff, no micropenis. He's not rugged, and likes for me to dress up and take me out. We've even been running and to the gym together! We're on par with so many things we like to do and our ways of thinking. It flows. It's awesome.

There's my update. Ha ha! Things are great and we're looking forward to our trip to Chicago next weekend. I should have some pictures when I get back!

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