Friday, August 18, 2006


OMG. Well I am still deliriously happy with Nick. I have earned the nickname "Perma-Grin" at work. Ha ha! I seriously feel like I'm in high school.

The other night we met at the park to watch the sunset. Ahhh. Someone who values just chilling and talking, looking up at the stars. He brought me a green tea, because he knows I like it. Awww. We later swang on the swings then shot off some Roman candles. LOL. Fun.

Last night we went to the running store downtown so I could get new running shoes. My current pair has 327 miles on them, so it's time. They were out of my size, so they will call me when they come in. We walked downtown and had some dinner. Even though we've seen each other every day but one since Saturday, I actually felt a little nervous. Butterflies! YIKES! I look at him sometimes and I am just blown away by his looks and the way he looks at me, and his little grins. I get all extra girly and start fussing with my hair and looking up at him through my fallen bangs. Seriously. I feel 14.

We went back to his place down the street and watched Napoleon Dynamite. He also burned a copy for me so I can watch it whenever. Funny movie - some things really made me roll laughing. "I caught you a delicious bass". OMG. Made me so thankful I am out of that bass situation and with someone so amazing and thoughful and caring and sensitive. Okay, I am starting to gush. Ha ha!

I slept over at Nick H's place. We have not "consumated" the relationship yet, but we had a wonderful time just talking and snuggling. When I left, he had just gotten out of the shower, and just had a towel on. JESUS. It seriously makes me nervous and excited and happy and shaky sometimes when I look at him. He is my physical ideal for a man.

Tonight we're going to a music festival in Dover. I made him promise to dance like Napoleon while we're there. He probably will. Silly.

Oh, and he checked in with me to make sure we are on the same page, as far as feelings so far. I swear the heavens opened up and sang, "hallelujah!" when I heard this. We both agreed to take some deep breaths and enjoy ourselves without waiting for the "other shoe to drop". Things are going so well and we're so comfortable with each other, it is normal to think, "ok, what's the catch?" And there may be one later on, but for now, I am totally infatuated and digging him. Yay.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

does he have a micropenis?


Becky said...

You and Pablo are welcome to ask him all your pressing questions tomorrow night at the Latino festival in Veteran's Park :-D

Anonymous said...

It is actually Pablo that has all the questions. Looks like I will have to find him more work to do so he doesn't have as much free time on his hands.


Anonymous said...

thats right pal1 ---plenty of tapers and filing for pablo!!!