Friday, August 04, 2006

Your opinion, please.

Is it wrong to date brothers? Not at the same time and if it's unlikely they'll know I dated the other? Discuss.


Becky said...

By the way, I should clarify that there is nothing wrong at all with dating "brothas", as I have happily done in the past, but rather brother as in kin.

Let's see, to answer Andy's comedy team writers' questions:

1. Yes
2. I "broke up" with him
3. I know he has a cool bike
5. No. If the genetics of one brother tell what kind of "brotha" I could be getting, this one will be FAR from a bitch ;-)

Becky said...

Oops I omitted number 2: "How long did we date?"

I don't know, maybe a month or two? Long enough to remain occupied and long enough to know I didn't want it to go further than a month or two!

Anonymous said...

Hey Reba,
With all the trouble with "brothers" lately, how 'bout trying "sisters". You never know!!!

Becky said...

Well, that's definitely one opinion, and I did ask for it!

I'll let you know just as soon as I stop vomiting.

Ok, done. No.

I will see you Saturday! I will be bringing a new friend, and it's not a brother, nor a brotha (nor a sister, for that matter). And I'll paint my toenails all sexy for you foot fetishists.