Saturday, June 10, 2006

It's like they were there.

I took this Yahoo! relationship test thing today. It told me quite a bit about myself, who I attract, and who might be best for me. I had to answer some questions on the last relationship I was in, and here was the analysis:

How to Stop Repeating the Past

"You need to find a less critical and neglectful partner (Gee, I should have taken this test months ago).

All serious relationships bring a mixture of good stuff (such as caring, support, and acceptance) and bad stuff (such as criticism, neglect, and manipulation). In the test, when you looked back on your last relationship, you recalled giving more good stuff than he did, while he gave more of the bad stuff.

Specifically, you often felt ignored and neglected by your Ex. He was probably a very independent man who needed a lot of "space." However, based on what you described, it sounds like he intentionally excluded you from his life at times and put up emotional barriers, too. You probably came to feel very lonely, even when the two of you were together.

It's easier for a couple to weather bad stuff when they also share a lot of good exchanges. You gave a lot to your partner, for example, in the form of practical help and support. By helping him with household chores, errands, or other tasks, you tried to make his life a little easier. Love to you obviously means doing whatever you can to make your partner happy.

There's something appealing about the vulnerability and complexity of "neurotic" men. You can handle and appreciate his emotional depth, as long as he doesn't turn his emotionality on you. Sometimes you can be an easy target to blame for his confusion and unhappiness. Certainly, life will be easier if you avoid these men altogether. Life could also get pretty boring without him. So, if you choose to be in a relationship with a neurotic man, it's crucial that the two of you set realistic expectations. He can't expect you to solve all of his problems, and you can't expect him to be calm and upbeat all the time. You also have to make rules for how he can act toward you. The blaming and criticism of each other has to end. You're his ally and supporter, not his enemy. Unfortunately, he may need to be reminded of that fairly often.

Learn to control the control freaks. You're drawn to organized, disciplined, and successful men. Unfortunately, these same men can be demanding and judgmental at times. You may be drawn to each other because of your differences and contrasts, but once you're in a relationship he may insist things go his way. The simple solution is to weed out the control freaks early on. Be especially cautious with men who think there's only one way to do things: His way! Otherwise, your best strategy is to beat him at his own game. He likes structure, so set new ground rules for your relationship. Let him know which topics are off limits for criticism and where you're open and strictly not open for change."

Of course, I am far from perfect and I'm sure there's someone out there who needs to avoid me - haha! But here's my personality and love style - woo woo.

She's her own woman—imaginative, curious, and shrewd. She's chosen her own path in life. Some see her as eccentric, but she's simply a free spirit who won't do things just to please others. Her intelligence, creativity, and knack for doing the unexpected makes her fun and exciting to be around.

The Personality Types she prefers

He's an Idealist with a unique set of skills that make him the perfect diplomat and champion of those in need. He leads and inspires people with his vision, but also has the pragmatic skills to make things happen. Whether it's on an international level or in his own backyard, he can make dreams come true.

The Personality Type recommended for her

He strives to find inner peace in a non-peaceful world. His quiet, gentle, and cautious nature always sets him apart. While others on a team are talking, arguing, or making impulsive decisions, he sees the underlying issues and makes objective recommendations.

Her Love Style
She wants a lasting connection on every level—mental, emotional, sexual, and spiritual. She will be a patient, persistent seeker of the man of her dreams. She knows destiny will deliver him, too, and they'll experience a love most people can only dream about.

Love Styles that fit with her

He wants a lasting connection on every level—mental, emotional, sexual, and spiritual. He will be a patient, persistent seeker of the woman of his dreams. He knows destiny will deliver her, too, and they'll experience a love most people can only dream about.

He is free to love intensely and completely on mental, emotional, spiritual, and sexual levels. When he connects it's immediate and intense. Over time he may have several "great loves." What starts with physical attraction can blossom into a more intimate love and in time can evolve into a deep commitment.

Sounds good to me!

This stuff is easy to see now, and honestly, when I tell some of you some stuff that happened, your reactions help confirm that this was a very unhealthy relationship. I'm more determined than ever to find someone who will treat me the way that I deserve, and love me for me.

Take the test yourself.

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